Investment and Savings
You can login to your MoneyOwl Account and submit a monthly buy request:
We will process all monthly buy requests on the 15th of every month, or the next working day, if the 15th is not a working day, provided that there are sufficient monies in your Cash Account/ SRS Agent Bank/ CPF Agent Bank.
For Cash investments: To ensure that your investment can be executed, we strongly advise you to transfer your money on the 10th of the month (with complete information, including the Reference Code) to ensure that there are sufficient monies in your Cash Account before the 15th of the month. If there are insufficient monies in your Cash Account by the 15th of the month, the monthly investment request will be processed on the 15th of the following month. You may set up standing instructions for your cash investments here:Setting up a Standing Instruction
For SRS or CPF investments : To ensure that your investment can be executed, please ensure that there are sufficient monies in your SRS Agent bank or CPF Ordinary Account on the 15th of the month.
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